Shortcut commands

. - Chat

, - Emote

' - say

a - Affects

b - Boost      b c - boost casual     b h - boost hardcore     b s - boost skills

c - Config

d - Down

e - East

f - Find

g - Go

h - Help

i - Inventory

j - Join

k - Kill

l - Look

m - Mail

n - North

o - Open

p - Power

r - Reply

s - South

t - Target

u - Up

v - View

w - West

ac - Accept

ad - Advance

al - Alias

ar - Armour

be - Begin

bu - Buy

by - Bypass

cr - Credits

de - Description/Appearance

di - Dismount

dr - Drop

du - Duck

ee - Move east instantly (only on your homeplane)

em - Emote

en - Enter

eq - Equipment

ev - Events

ge - Get

gi - Give

ig - Ignore

im - Immunity

jo- Join

ju- Jump

mo - Movement

mt - Mount target

pa - Password

ps - Pscore    

pu - Put

sc - Score         sc mo - Score more

sh - shout

sk - Skill

sp - Sphere

st - Stop

su - Subclass

te- Tell

ti- Time

tr- Train

un- Unsheathe/ Draw

wa- Walk

wh- Whisper

wi- Wield

wo- Wounds

tal- Talents

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